The Pacifica Foundation

For those who do not know, WPFW 89.3 FM in Washington, DC is one of five sister stations that make up the Pacifica network, owned and governed by the Pacifica Foundation, The Pacifica Foundation and its stations are further governed by the Pacifica Foundation’s By-Laws, WPFW is not an independent entity, it is dependent upon the Pacifica Foundation, which is a California non-profit foundation.

Proposed By-Law Changes

In 2019, through a petition initiative, a small, anti-democratic group of Pacifica National Board members, proposed radical revisions to the by-laws (actually an outright rewrite thereof), which were supported by a bare minimum of the network’s listener-members. In furtherance of their barely-cloaked takeover attempt, they got a California judge to force a membership vote on their proposal despite the by-laws themselves spelling out a different method for amending the by-laws.

Ballots will go out to all members (those who made minimum donations of money or time between 1 January 2019 and 2019) on 18 February 2020. Votes are due within 30 days. While there is a minimal vote tally required, do not assume that these rogue directors will not be able to meet that tally with their band of supporters. SO, YOU MUST VOTE YOUR INFORMED CONSCIENCE!

Inform Yourselves Now

These proposed changes are complex, complicated, and somewhat difficult to compare with the existing bylaws. Hardy anyone would argue that the by-laws do not need some major adjustments, but these proposed changes and the methods employed to try to implement them, are not what is needed. So please, inform yourselves. First read everything you can find. Start with these Pacifica Foundation webpages, and (scroll down). Also search “Pacifica by-laws proposed changes” for other coverage of this issue, from different points of view.

Additionally, please listen to the recently completed WPFW LBS show co-broadcasted with NYC sister station WBAI. To hear the program, go to, scroll down to Community Watch & Comment Friday for Friday, January 31, 2020 11:00 am, and hit the Play button to the right. If you cannot listen now, hit the Download button to listen later. The program starts with a musical interlude, with the content beginning at approximately 4:26 into the program. To hear the second hour, hit the Play button for Don’t Forget the Blues – Ida Campbell, Friday, January 31, 2020 12:00 pm, right above the one for Community Watch.

While reviewing available materials, please pay attention to:

  • The elimination of the LSB’s, and thus, local control
  • The negative impact the above bullet point will have on control of local programming
  • The hand-picked, self-perpetuating majority on the new national board
  • The reduced membership thresholds for the sale of major Foundation assets; yes that could mean WBAI and even WPFW.
  • The reduction of WPFW representation on the national board to 1 listener-member and no staff members
  • The changes that would allow the national board to further change by-laws without listener-member participation
  • The overall reduction of democratic processes and procedures

Vote Your Conscience

It is unclear what, if anything, programmers are allowed to say on the air. As this blog is linked to the Morning Brew – Classic Jazz Edition on the WPFW website’s Program Grid, it is unclear what I can write on this site. However, I believe once you all inform yourselves about the proposed amendments, if you love truth, jazz, justice, democracy and WPFW, it will be crystal clear how you should vote.

One last very important thing: WPFW will start its winter fund-drive on 9 February 2020. Do not let this network infighting dampen your enthusiasm and financial support for WPFW. We will survive this infighting if you vote responsibly. However, we will not survived without the financial support of our listeners. The year-end mini-drive did great; 150% of goal. Let’s keep up the momentum. All drives are important, but this one is critical. Beyond the money, we must demonstrate the strength of our station and our listeners to our naysayers on the Pacifica National Board.

Thank you for your consideration of the above.